Tri-State Christian Television Interview

“God works in mysterious ways!”

That quote raced through my mind as I read the email stating that Tri-State Christian Television (TCT-TV) wanted to interview me.  Rereading the email, as my mind slowed down, I thought, “God really does work in mysterious ways – only He could have orchestrated something like this.”

Two weeks later, Tom Nolan from TCT-TV called via Zoom for the interview.  His questions focused on my life as it relates to my book The Riven Tree.

He asked about the violence in my childhood that resulted in a distorted view of God’s expectations.  He asked about God’s healing in my life, and about the vision that prompted me to write my book.

Throughout the interview as Mr. Nolan and I talked, I wondered who might watch the show and if my experience would resonate with them. As I responded to questions, I prayed that my words would give viewers hope to believe that just as God had healed my heart, He could heal theirs as well.

When my book flashed on the screen behind Mr. Nolan, I thought about the vision that prompted me to write the book.  I hoped the words I’d so carefully penned would reach those who needed to hear it.

The interview aired on July 10th, and has been uploaded to my YouTube channel, The Riven Tree. Information about accessing the YouTube channel is provided at the end of this blog.

Two things to keep in mind as you watch the interview:

* When you click the YouTube link, the program begins with Mr. Nolan giving news of the world and information about TCT-TV.  After approximately six minutes, my interview begins.

*Once the interview starts, the sound during the first two questions is not stellar, though you will likely be able to understand me.  By the third question, I am easily heard and understood.

To watch the interview, go to and type The Riven Tree in the search bar.  The third channel down from the top is my channel with the video title, “TCT TV interview with Robby Kautz.”

After watching the interview, if you have thoughts or questions, please let me know.  I would love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading this blog, and thank you in advance for watching the interview.


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